
On Wednesday, March 1 at 11:00 AM, the 香港六合彩开奖 will proudly re-open its doors with a warm welcome for everyone.

Founder/Curator Emmett Casciato often says, 鈥淎 visiting veteran will see one of our artifacts and begin telling a story. The veteran鈥檚 adult children will say 鈥楬e鈥檚 never told that story before!鈥欌
What鈥檚 new in the museum this year?

Each of our galleries features a professionally-produced 6-7 minute video entitled 鈥淭hrough Their Eyes.鈥 They tell the story of Americans at war. Learn why and how each war began, see images of what it was like for our service members, and discover up-close the artifacts, uniforms, and stories of local veterans who served. These short videos play separately as you visit the galleries of WWI, WWII-Europe, WWII-Pacific, Korean War, Vietnam War, and the War on Terror. The project is made possible by grants from, , , and . If you missed the premiere in October, now鈥檚 your chance to experience these compelling stories at your own pace.

The Vietnam gallery has been dedicated to Vietnam veteran Mike Di Rocco

He served in the US Army Special Forces and USMC, serving two tours of duty in Vietnam. Di Rocco, a much-respected and loved volunteer and speaker for the museum, sadly passed away in 2022. This gallery also offers new artifacts from two local veterans who were POWs in Vietnam.

You may be surprised to find a Russian truck-launched rocket in the museum now. We believe this one was retrieved in Iraq or Afghanistan by Navy Seals. It鈥檚 just one example of the unique and interesting items you鈥檒l find.

The WWI gallery boasts a rare Maxim machine gun.

No worries about mis-placing this artifact鈥攊t鈥檚 so heavy that it took 6 men to man it! That included transporting and operating the gun, the stand, the ammo, and even water for cooling. It鈥檚 a must-see.

1943 Willys Jeep exhibit

If you haven鈥檛 yet seen the 1943 Willys Jeep exhibit, it鈥檚 now at its best. Additional equipment and artifacts from WWII have been added to this 鈥渧isitors鈥 favorite鈥 scene. It鈥檚 titled, 鈥淪omewhere in Europe . . . Letters from Home,鈥 and depicts an Army Post Office with soldiers arriving, hoping for a letter from a loved one. The 1942 Harley-Davidson nearby provided transportation for MPs. You鈥檒l notice the authentic leather saddlebags and the 鈥渟uicide stick.鈥 To find out what this means, come on in and ask.

Bring your family members for a unique 鈥渨alk and learn鈥 experience.

The museum is open Tuesday 鈥 Saturday from 11am to 3pm. Friendly volunteers are ready to greet you, but tours can be self-guided, making it easy for you to spend anything from a few minutes to a few hours enjoying this walk through our proud military history. There are many artifacts with stories behind them 鈥 ask a Pathfinder (docent) to share one. We are the museum of stories!

鈥淭hrough Their Eyes鈥 videos are available on our homepage (all six videos combined) and the 6-7 minute segments are available for viewing on each of the exhibit pages.